Saturday, 26 September 2009

By Leaves We Live » SPL's annual book fair

Today I went to...
By Leaves We Live 2009: A celebration of artists' books and small presses

There were some amazing artists books there but my favourite (which I could not resist) was by Leonard Mc Dermid called a pocket guide to the sea. Every book he makes is typeset and letterpress printed by hand, and he uses lino cuts to illustrate some of the text. I think they are beautiful.

You can see (and purchase) some of his work here.

Friday, 25 September 2009

New semester new work!

Illustration for an editorial project. The article I chose is actually an advert for environmentally friendly cleaning staff.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Nomad Magazine

NomadMagazine is Edinburgh University’s political and cultural magazine – a vibrant forum for student journalism and creative writing.

As creative director I am looking for illustrators who are willing to illustrate articles for the Autumn winter issue. If you are interested please email me,

This is a great opportunity to have your work published and distributed around the city, and meet a great bunch of creative people based in edinburgh!